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Checklist for new writers

What you need to know

Are you willing to start a new hobby or a way to tackle quarantine? Here's what you got to know to get started:


1. Are you going to do it just for yourself, or do you want to publish your work somewhere?

-If you want to publish, then decide will you publish it on a forum or will you release it to bookstores.


2. Will you use a pen name or will use your real name? 

 -With a pen name you can protect your privacy and create interest around yourself.


3. What platform to use? Will you want to write with a computer or by hand?

 -There are many ways to write. With computers you can use dozens of free writing programs such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word Online. By hand you can spread your stories into any kind of paper.


4. Do research.

 - Some projects need some research to confirm certain facts such as dates of real historical events or definitions of words. Doing good research makes your stories correct in facts department.

Checklist for new writers: About
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